Yoav Mimran
Facilitador de Innovación
And also (or more importantly):
, Slack Rope Walker
Facilitador de Innovación
Yoav has been a lead facilitator and senior trainer with SIT from the start. He has made a considerable contribution to the development of our global initiatives, leading innovation projects for industry leaders including: Johnson & Johnson, Shell, Bayer and Nestle.
He brings deep insight from his parallel work in the field of cross-cultural media and communication. He is a Research Fellow and lecturer at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya, and author of specialized articles in this field.
Yoav has an uncanny ability to provide valuable insights to organizations with which he comes in contact. This special skill is partially explained by his varied professional background and cultural interests: he has a B.Sc. in Earth Sciences – Geology and MBAs in Marketing and Business Entrepreneurship (both from The Hebrew University, Jerusalem). Yoav also acts as a business development consultant to start-up companies at the crucial go/no-go stage. He has a keen eye for separating out ideas most capable of reaching a successful outcome. Yoav has a disarming and warm personal approach. This is highly effective when combined his professional experience – he is able to quickly decipher ambiguous information and turn it into valuable knowledge for companies in real time, a true asset for SIT and our clients.

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