Ofer El-Gad
Facilitador de Innovación
And also (or more importantly):
M.Sc. Industrial Engineer
Shany's Friend for LIFE + 2H
Ju-Jitsu Black Belt
PC Info.Tech CEO & Owner
Facilitador de Innovación
Ofer has been a key team player in the execution and development of SIT’s innovation programs over an immense variety of industries and technologies. Ofer’s unique blend of expertise in Engineering, IT and Software – coupled with his strong communication skills – contributes considerably to the success of our programs.
Ofer’s experience covers the full panoply of client issues: problem solving, new product and service development, advertising, marcom, management, and strategic planning. His facilitation has led to the development of many successful solutions, products and patents. His clients include major industrial manufacturers and hi-tech companies, including: Comverse, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer, BASF, Kraft and Shell.
Since qualifying in Industrial Engineering (MSc. and BSc., magnum cum laude from Tel Aviv University), Ofer has been a senior lecturer on the faculty of Industrial Engineering in Tel Aviv University. He is in demand as a lecturer in conflict management and on courses to improve the quality of college teaching.
Ofer also acts as an external consultant to major companies in the field of information technology, developing software applications and solutions. He has worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers, Mirs, Tadiran, Israel Air Industries and Microsoft Israel, among others.